Whether we run a large company with dozens of employees or run our own solo business, we rely on a support team of vendors, customers, employees, contractors, and other associates that help us carry out our business goals. Here’s a fun exercise to discover the strengths and weaknesses of your business support team and how […]
Twelve Low-Cost Employee Perks for Fun & High Performance
It’s always a good idea to help employees stay motivated, and there are many things you can do besides the traditional cash bonus. Here are twelve ideas that cost little yet go a long way with employees, contractors, and other business associates. 1. Compressed workweek. Employees love getting Friday afternoon off, or even a full […]
The Power of Permission
What have you been wanting to do in your business for a really long time? Perhaps you’ve been wanting to raise your prices. Maybe you want to hire an assistant or another team member but haven’t gotten around to it. Or maybe you want to work less and focus on personal time, but you haven’t […]
Do You Know the Lifetime Value of Your Client?
How much is the average client worth to your business? Not just per project or even per year, but for the lifetime of your business. Calculating the lifetime value of a client is an eye-opening exercise I recommend to every small business owner. Repeat business Let’s take several examples. A client who eats a $15 […]
Are You Working on All the Wrong Things?
Have you ever gone through your list of things to do and looked for the easiest thing to knock out first? Have you ever been moody when you’ve looked through your tasks and said to yourself, “I don’t feel like doing that one, that one, or that one?” Do you have some items on your […]