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What’s in Store for 2022?

The last few years have been unlike any other in our lifetimes. As we close out 2021 and enter 2022, it’s the perfect time to reflect on what we’ve learned, what’s happening now, and what we want to accomplish in the next 12 months. Here are some things to consider.

Celebrate Your Successes

Give yourself time and permission to review what you have completed in 2021. You’ve likely learned and accomplished more than you think. Compare your status on January 1, 2021 with today, and celebrate the changes you’ve made and projects you’ve finished.

Monetize These Trends

Several trends will continue from 2021 into 2022 and beyond. How can you monetize them in your business?

Set 2022 Goals

Let’s not call them New Year’s resolutions, shall we? Still, it’s the right time of year to decide how you can incorporate the trends above with the personal and business successes you’d like to complete by the end of 2022.

Make your list, then schedule milestones on your calendar so you can track your progress.

And above all, have a happy New Year in 2022.

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