If revenue hasn’t come back as fast as you expected it to, it may be time to review your budget and determine if some planned expenses can be cut. Here are five places to look to do just that. 1. Travel Since most events have been moved online or cancelled altogether, you can likely redirect […]
How to Reduce Stress Around Money
Many families and small business owners have seen decreases in income over the last several months. Money struggles can cause us to experience stress and worry, and none of us need that right now. Instead we need to boost our immune systems and decrease stress. Here are some tips on how we can take back […]
Money and Marriage
One of the biggest things that can cause fights in a marriage is money. No matter where you are in a relationship, it’s a good idea to discuss these major money topics so you’ll know where you stand. Show me the money: Combine or keep separate or both One of the best ways to avoid […]
Five Tips to Get Ready for a Pain-Free Tax Time
With the holiday season just around the corner, it’s a perfect time to get your financial records in order. Tax moves you make now can mean finding more “green” to spend on family gifts and festivities. Here are five quick tips for you to feel more prepared about your financial status as you go into […]
What Does Popeye Have to Do with Accounting?
You might have heard the terms “cash basis accounting” or “accrual accounting.” Your net income number can change depending on which method your books are set up for. Here’s a simple explanation of the difference, with a little help from one of the most famous cartoon characters in history. Popeye and Wimpy You might recognize […]